
The EnabledPower Market Vertical offers consulting on power and power systems recycling enabling clean, low carbon solutions for heat, power and transportation. It covers enabling technologies for clean energy, power and emissions reduction in automotive and non-automotive applications. The types of projects include: decarbonisation of heat, power and transportation by means of carbon-neutral or carbon-negative technologies. Also included are projects on production and recycling of systems used in electrification e.g. fuel cells, water electrolysers, batteries and emission control catalysts.

Reference projects carried out by Enabled Future to date include:

Consulting Projects

  • “Future battery chemistries and effect on nickel demand”, (The Nickel Institute), 2022
  • “Opportunities for new catalyst materials for CO2 electrolysis and ammonia cracking”, (TCGR), 2021
  • “Battery recycling plant market entry”, (Private Client), 2021
  • “Battery mixing equipment technologies”, (Private Client), 2021
  • “Market, patents and technology landscape for high manganese cathode materials”, (Private Client), 2021
  • “Comparison of Umicore and competitors for battery cathode materials”, (Private Client), 2020
    “Review of battery recycling processes and wastewater emissions management”, (Private Client), 2019
  • “Fuel Cell Recycling, Markets, Technologies and Business Strategies”, (Hensel Recycling), 2019

Multi-Client Services

Industry Tracking

  • “Lithium Ion Battery Cathodes and Anodes”, Benchmark Minerals (Monthly Service)

Training & Public Speaking(

  • Conference Chair and Presenter – “Battery Recycling Summit Europe”, (Europe ACI Battery Recycling Summit), 2022
  • “Future of Platinum Group Metals (PGM) in an Electrified World”, (WIPGM),  2022
  • “Influence of Battery Technology Development on Future Metals and Materials Demand”, (Battery Technology Show), 2021
  • Conference Chair and Presenter – “Tracking Second Life Batteries Technologies & Markets”, (The 1st Huayou 2nd life Li-ion Battery INTL Summit), 2021
  • Conference Chair and Presenter – “Technological Advancements in Commercial and Developing Battery Recycling Methods Batteries Recycling Europe”, (ACI Europe), 2020
  • “Recycling of Automotive Catalysts, Fuel Cells & Electric Vehicle Batteries”, (IPMI Precious Metals & Mobility Seminar), 2018
  • “Electric Vehicle Battery Recycling: Industry Status, Forecasts and Strategies”, (IPMI 42nd Annual Meeting), 2018
  • Future Tech [Hot Topic] Transport, AI & IoT – Part 5 – Panel (We Are Fintech, London), 2017

Thought Leadership

  • “Power-To-X”, (The Catalyst Review), 2019
  • “Recovery of Strategic Metals from Catalysts, EOL Batteries and Rare Earth Magnets”, (The Catalyst Review), 2019

To inquire about EnabledPower’s services, please contact us.

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