
The EnabledCircular Market Vertical covers consulting on Circular Economy projects for sustainable production and recycling of plastics, rubbers, composites, fibres, foams, coatings, adhesives, sealants and elastomers (CASE). In addition, it houses projects for abatement and utilisation of waste, CO2 and other Greenhouse Gases (GHG) via catalytic and non-catalytic methods. Multiple methods are required to achieve a full Circular Industry concept and a deep understanding of the consequences of changing feedstocks and processes is required to guarantee an overall environmental benefit. Often marketing of a particular “environmentally friendly” concept is very strong, but the reality of its ecological benefits over time are often seen to fall short of expectations. EnabledCircular projects take a holistic and objective view of the technologies available and utilises the Ecological, Economical, Social and Technological (EEST) approach to model and compare each of the solutions available. This depth of analysis provides a strong basis for stakeholders upon which to make the best investment decisions.
Examples of projects carried out to date by Enabled Future are listed below:
Consulting Projects
- “Independent expert evaluation of circular economy project proposals”, (European Commission), 2019-2022
- “Technology landscape for leather recycling”, (Private Client), 2021
- “CYP450 Enzymes for production of sustainable fine chemicals”, (Private Client), 2021
- “Production of circular economy chemicals from plastic pyrolysis oil”, (Private Client), 2020
- “Market dynamics for speciality chemicals from waste oleochemical feeds”, (Private Client), 2020
- “Steel off-gas CO2 utilization options”, (Private Client), 2020
“CO2 utilisation options from a hard to abate industrial emitter”, (Private Client), 2019
Multi-Client Services
- “CO2CC Project Management”, TCGR, 2019-2022
- “Carbon Dioxide Start-ups for Venture Capital”, (TCGR), 2017
Training & Public Speaking
- “Decarbonisation of Chlor-Alkali Value Chain Chemicals”, (European Chlor-Alkali Industry Summit), 2019
- “How BASA and EFL can work together for a greener future”, (BASA Open Industry Forum), 2018
- Toxic Air Pollutants, from global problem to chemical resource, (EU Public Policy Exchange), 2018
Thought Leadership
- “A Techno-Economic Overview of Fouling in Steam Crackers and Available Solutions”, (Tube Tech), 2019
- “White Paper: Options for greening the polyurethane value chain using advanced catalysts”, (Econic Technologies), 2017
To inquire about EnabledCircular’s services please contact us
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- Protected: The Need for Sustainability 4.0 – The Share and Repair Economy.This content is password protected.
- Protected: SABIC’s solutions to support the circular carbon economyThis content is password protected.
- Protected: NREL Develops New Catalytic/Biocatalytic Process for Waste Plastic to Biodegradable MaterialsThis content is password protected.
- Protected: Northstar Receives Patent from the USPTO For its Front-End Asphalt Recycling ProcessThis content is password protected.
- Protected: GB2598213B : Method of recycling nickel from waste battery materialThis content is password protected.
- Protected: California Bioenergy LLC Receives a US Granted Patent for its Biogas to Bioelectricity ProcessThis content is password protected.
- Protected: Demystifying ESG and its Application in Sustainable ManufacturingThis content is password protected.
- Protected: Market Dynamics for Sustainable Glycerol CarbonateThis content is password protected.
- Protected: Opinion Piece – Three Traps that Turn Your Best Work into Group FailsThis content is password protected.
- Protected: Team Repair: a circular programme teaching children how to repair electronic productsThis content is password protected.